Tuesday, June 30, 2009


When is one too old to run in just a jogging bra and shorts?

A. If you have to ask, you're probably too old.

B. Never! Rock on, Grandma.

C. Depends on what you're rocking.

D. As long as Madonna is still wearing a bustier.


Anonymous said...

Definitely B!

L. said...

B! If you're running, you get to wear whatever you want.

Jess said...

B! Bodies are for using, not for oggling...it doesn't matter what you look like. Wear what is comfortable! Life is too short to do otherwise.

Jul said...

C. YOU can (and should) run in that getup as long as you're able to physically propel yourself along. Unless I manage to acquire an extended family of tapeworms, I'll be suiting up in something more substantial. (And it's partially societal standards of beauty, partially utility: more jiggle needs more fabric to feel mo' better.)

Romance said...

B. When I was super fat I never wore shorts when I ran - chub rub prevention - now I wear them whenever I want to. I consider it a fringe of 25-25 miles a week

EJW said...

C, although at 6 months pregnant, I'm wondering about this for myself!

Jennifer said...


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha, do any of you run in Scotland?? I don't think I have ever seen anyone in a jogging bra round my way...imo it would be a bad look at any age.

Ozma said...

B for sure...

Yeah, B.

Ozma said...

You know why it has to be 'b'? Because we don't have to determine our clothing choices on the assumption that we are on display and ESPECIALLY when we're out running. And it's hot.

And do MEN ever have to worry about that crap? No.

If you don't like it, don't look.

Cough. Uh, so that's why 'b'.

OMDG said...

B, obviously.

Anonymous said...

B, but to be honest at 22 I don't think I could bring myself to do it. Guess I need to grow some self-esteem

Bethany said...


Anonymous said...

It's not something I'd have done, even when I was younger and had a somewhat more "rocking" shape. I'm going to be superficial and say C.


Gregory House, PA-C said...


Ozzie said...

Pffft. B. The more folks see my average body running around, the more average bodies like mine become acceptable.

Denise said...

B for anyone wearing a normal running bra. For me and my Last Resort hook-and-eye running corset...E.

E. said...

I say B, definitely. I think if you're still able to get out there and run, you've got the right to rock the sports bra and shorties.

Anonymous said...

Duh. B.

Why, are you worried you've passed the mark, or have you seen a running compadre that was a little hard on the eyes?

DoctorMama said...

r3 -- neither, actually.

Although I love running in hot hot weather, I love doing so in the smallest amount of clothing possible.

A couple weeks ago I was running and had a train of thought something like this: Those women look too warm in those t-shirts. I sure like running in this running bra. I wonder how long I can run dressed like this before people start thinking, ugh, why doesn't she cover up? Do I even care if anyone is thinking that? Hey, Madonna is still wearing bras on stage, and she's WAY older than I am ... gee, I'm thankful for Madonna.

I'm also thankful I don't live in Scotland, I guess. Who knew?

Anonymous said...

It's a sexist question. The flabby, 65 y.o. male neighbor with acne scars, white chest hair, and a big beer gut doesn't ask himself this quesiton when he strips off his shirt to mow his lawn.

Yet for some reason, when we females choose the length of our running shorts or decide "shirt or none," we feel we must consider the delicate aesthetic sensibilities of all who might see our cellulite or our less-than-perky boobs.

It's really unfair. -victoria

Anonymous said...

Given that I'm a grandma and that I run, I vote for B --- except for certain times. My "except" has nothing to do with modesty or self-esteem, and everything to do with running in hot weather. When it's so hot I'd have to get up at o'dark-thirty to avoid the sun, I actually prefer to run in a shirt. Before I leave for my run I soak both my hat and my shirt in cold water, then wring out the shirt and put it on. You'd be amazed at how much cooler it is to run that way --- and every time I encounter a lawn sprinkler, I refresh both hat and shirt.
