Tuesday, August 05, 2008

At Least I Floss Daily

My blogger meet-up the other week was terrific, which was no surprise to me, since every blogger I’ve ever liked on screen and had the chance to meet I’ve also liked in person. The only thing that has ever startled me is that many of them are much taller than I thought, since that’s one thing you can’t tell from pictures. For some reason I expect everyone to be kind of shrimpy like me.

For those of you who have had the opportunity to link up with a favorite blogger, have they been the same in person as they appeared to you on screen? (I don’t think you can count brief meetings at events like BlogHer, but I wouldn’t know for sure since I’ve never been.)

I will be testing my 100% record soon, because through happy chance, I have a quick trip that will take me near the lair of E of Oral Hygiene Queen, whom I have been wanting to meet for years. My only worry is that she will find my dentition lacking, and I think it’s too late to get my teeth capped. She can probably spot caps a mile away anyway.


Orange said...

Every single blogger meet-up I've had has been delightful. In the bloggy circles we travel in, there are a lot of smart, funny people who know how to write—so their writing successfully captures their personality, warmth, and wit. The only surprises are what people look like—who they are has already been conveyed via their blog posts and e-mails.

Was I shrimpy enough not to startle you?

Romance said...

I have also had great blogger meet ups! I am lucky enough to have made the transition from Blog friend to IRL friends too... I feel lucky indeed. Now if I could only find some local blogging distance runners to meet up with....

Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to meet Dinah and Clink Shrink of Shrink Rap and they were delightful, just like their writing.

Vetmommy said...

The blogger friend I met up with was exactly like I thought she'd be - but I hadn't imagined the Minnesota accent! She said I was the way she thought I'd be, but much tinier. We were a little shy at first but instant friends.

DoctorMama said...

Orange, you were indeed shrimpy enough for me -- but you were my first, so maybe that's what I assumed every blogger would be like?

Coral said...

My absolute best friend ever was met online. She knows so much about me, even, more than anyone else. She is 23, I am 45. We are both female, she loves my b/friend and son (who is older than her). It shows that age doesn't matter.