Sunday, July 22, 2007

Birthday Maggot

I’m not too hung up on birthdays; since I share one with my brother, it’s always seemed like just another holiday rather than My Special Day. But this year my husband, in cahoots with one of my best friends, decided to throw me an almost-surprise party—“almost” in that he didn’t tell me until a week beforehand that it was going to happen, which didn’t give me enough time to get anxious about it. And it was absolutely lovely. A perfect mix of friends—from work, from the neighborhood, from the family, from blogs, and even from my childhood. Lots of kids for HellBoy to jump on the couch with, and I got to hang out on my patio and sip mojitos. My husband got me a pretty cool present too:

And he’s not even allowed to read my blog—he just listens up when I tell him about it.


Orange said...

Happy birthday!

Can you make that shirt available in a non-cotton fabric suitable for workouts?

meno said...

What orange said, although cotton is fine with me. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you! What a guy TH is!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday :)

amusing said...

Hurray and hurrah for your birthday. And the greatest gift is to have all that wonderful mix of people coming to celebrate you!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Feliz Cumplianos! Sounds like a perfect birthday. I'd buy the t-shirt in any fabric, but prefer cotton.

Anonymous said...

That's AWESOME!! What a nice man TH is. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure sure TH has never read your's the first thing that pops up when you google "Listen up Maggots". I couldn't resist, but maybe that's just a female thing!


Anonymous said...

LOVE the shirt. Mr. DocMama is awesome!

E. said...

Happy birthday! The shirt is excellent. So you're a twin? I didn't realize. (Or is the shared birthday just a really big coincidence?)

Sarah said...

Yay birthday! And I second E.'s question: are you a twin, or did your parents have perfect planning?

Jul and I are two days apart and our mother recalls, not so fondly, a couple disastrous joint-birthday parties.

And that is an awesome shirt.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

I too crave the shirt, even though I know I could never look as fierce as you in it.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had a good time at your party!

Anonymous said...

but if there were colleages aren't you not completely outed now??

I,m gonna buy a bra and shoes tommorow. I think I am going crazy..


DoctorMama said...

I'll have to look into the workout fabric question.

Fiona, yes I'm sure he doesn't read it, but he did look up the phrase.

e & cc -- no, not a twin; born on my poor brother's first birthday. Not good planning; in fact contraception failure twice!

and mljk, there is a person or two at work who knows me here too.