Sunday, January 27, 2008

What's Your Word?

I may have spoken a little too early about having extra time. My Big Talk (which went well!), then a Saturday “retreat” for work (silly me, I didn’t realize that “retreat” meant “long-ass meeting” – though I guess I should be grateful that there were no falling-backward trust exercises), and some bumps in the road with the new colleague (e.g., a patient declaring “I never want to see that doctor again in my life”), and the month has veritably flown.

But! It could have been worse. I have had some great runs, I have not been ill, and today – today I tackled our “to be filed” pile of papers. I was a little shocked to realize that I hadn’t filed anything for about fifteen months, but never mind that now – I am now up to date. It’s frightening, how happy I feel about this. I keep stopping at the door of our office/guest room and peering into the formerly overflowing, now empty baskets just to bask in the overwhelming sense of order and accomplishment.

Anyway, what I really wanted to post about was this: a couple of months ago one of my residents and I saw a patient who had a tattoo over his heart that read (in the usual Gothic lettering so popular with tourist-trap tattoo shops):


Talk about truth in advertising. Naturally we got to talking about what one word we’d choose if we had to get a tattoo to describe ourselves. One resident thought his would be something along the lines of “Calm.” Another resident’s should be “Ebullient,” we all agreed. An attending who was passing by said hers should be “Skeptical,” but we argued with her on that; she’s actually kind of gullible.

So if you had to have one descriptor tattooed on you, what would it be? It has to be true most of the time, and something that those who know you well would agree is apt.

I’ll tell you mine after you all tell me yours.


Orange said...

It's a tie between "content" and "procrastinate."

Anonymous said...

"Relentless" for me...

The Quarter Polish Cook said...


Abacaxi Mamao said...


1. It's true.
2. When I'm down, it reminds me that this, too, shall pass. I will make it through whatever crap life is throwing my way.
3. When I'm up, it reminds me of how far I've come.

Runner-up: "Wordsmith."

C. said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Fresh. In many, many senses of the word.

Anonymous said...

"Shoot here."

ScienceGirl said...


B.E.C.K. said...


Anonymous said...


Feral Mom said...


Elaine said...


Anonymous said...

Kosher ;)

painting with fire said...

creative - and (all too often) cranky

Vanda said...


Sarah said...


DEMummie said...


Klynn said...


I mother everyone, not just my children. (Much to the annoyance of some of my friends.)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I have a running question! Please! I started SLOW 3 weeks ago, and have worked up to running 20 minutes at 15 minute miles. But my knees, on the inside, meaning more to the interior towards the side of my leg...any ideas? Should I run through taking ibuprofen? I hate to stop now! They not only hurt when I run, but some just walking around now. What gives?!? I want to do this!

Thank you,

Jill said...

Mine would be two words: Bad Attitude.

E. said...


(But "tardy" or "running late" would be a close runner up.)

debangel said...


tadpoledrain said...

Um, um, um. I love questions like this. Mine would probably be "shy". Runner-up: "sister".

Alice said...


Teendoc said...


Anonymous said...


Megan said...


I recently happened upon your blog and have found it fascinating! I'm an MD/PhD student, so I can relate, especially about not being able to remember details about your life and even forgetting entire events. It drives my boyfriend nuts, but I've fallen into the black hole.

Anonymous said...

friendly cranky-pants.

In other words...I'm here for ya, but I need wine.

rorabee said...


Anonymous said...

Neurotic (think Woody Allen).

Anonymous said...

I actually DO have a beautifully inscribed tattoo on my right inside forearm - an acronym that is unreadable in its beauty unless you know what it stands for:

Yes, at 60 years old, my tatt stands for:
"Does it look like I give a fuck."
I thought it apt for an old lady like me with medical woes (like extremely LOUD, intrusive Tinnitus) that I can do nothing about.

Anonymous said...

Overwhelmed. Or, alternately, "Screwed."

winecat said...

Let's see after breast cancer, ruptured bowel and possible heart attack ...


Artemisia said...

Depends on the day, but probably three words: "yeah, yeah, whatever."

HP said...


Sheri said...


Vic said...


Jennifer said...


Anonymous said...


Clover said...


resident mama said...


Anonymous said...


Because some days it's hard to remember who I am.

Heather said...

"Compassionate", or "Intuitive", or perhaps "Empathic" would be my best words, but I'd love to put:

"Gotdandruffsomeofititches" :o)

Anonymous said...


i can't believe i am the only one..

Anonymous said...

Awesome question.
Two days ago: ambivalent
Today: trying

Anonymous said...


Maybe humorously disgusted.

That goes for most everyone I work with as well. As urban emergency physicians we are constantly scraping up against the slimy and revolting underbelly of the human condition.

Anonymous said...


Anne said...


Anonymous said...


monicac2 said...


I really thought about this one - and I think this word is really right-on for me. Thanks for the great idea!

Gregory House, PA-C said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gregory House, PA-C said...

(Painfully) Realistic.

Anonymous said...

"Barren." With a space left open underneath it for "Mama." Someday, maybe.

OMDG said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. Fantastic question!

Have thought about this a lot since the initial post... keep waiting for one word in particular to feel absolutely, dead-on RIGHT, and the closest I've come is "ALIVE". At my best at at my worst, I still feel damned-near overflowing with it; the best compliment I ever received was, "You're more alive than anyone I've ever met."

Keri said...


Because I'm not supposed to be here, and in the words of my friend "You fought to be here when you were a child and I think you've forgotten you can stop now"

Or in the words of my mother "You'd argue with God Himself"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Ruby2 said...


Carolie said...


judy said...

my question after question got me where I am today.
Hey if you get a chance I am a new blogger and would love you to stop by. I have been reading you for a while and love your blog.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wooops, didn't mean to be so anon...Fiona