Sunday, September 18, 2005

Those Penguins Sure Have It Tough

TrophyHusband was really lobbying for the penguin movie, while I was holding out for the Aristocrats or Broken Flowers. In the end, the babysitter was a little late, so the only movie time we could catch and still have dinner was the penguins. Dinner was great. But as I expected, the movie is littered with the fluffy corpses of baby penguins. There were penguin babies dying of neglect and predation and 100 mile per winds at 80 degrees below zero and because their mothers get Jawed by a terrifying leopard seal (who knew there was such a thing as a terrifying seal?). I'm glad it wasn't the first movie I ever went to while leaving AngelBaby with a babysitter. Movies should really have ratings based on the circumstances under which one should not see them. Case in point: I went on a first date to see Happiness. We got through the first half of the movie ok because we'd done tequila shots at the bar next to the theater, but as the alcohol level in my blood sagged I began to realize what a terrible mistake I'd made. Mostly in the choice of date, but the movie was a problem too. So Happiness would be rated NFD (No First Dates). The penguin movie would be rated NAFTP (No Anxious First-Time Parents). And most action movies would be NALMSS (No Annoying Literal-Minded Spoilsports), so I wouldn't be allowed in.


Orange said...

As a heathen and non-fan of the brutality of the penguin movie, you've got to read this take on the movie.

Orange said...

Penguins and politics, right here: "The moral of The March of the Penguins is that we’d all be much better off if the religious right lived in Antarctica. Discuss."

DoctorMama said...

The one movie I get to see in a theater in six months, and it has to be adopted as a Moral Majority Manifesto. Very funny discussion in orange's link!
I read that in the original French version of the movie (do the conservatives realize it's French, by the way? I bet that might change their minds), the penguins have dubbed dialogue. I'm dying to know what they say ... "I thought you had the egg." "I thought you had it!" Or, "I am hungry enough to eat the left side of the Denny's menu. I am so out of here!" "Maman, non, ne vas pas!"