Upswing underway, I’m fairly sure. I am looking forward to things here and there—for example, I am really pleased that I get to meet up with a fellow blogger tomorrow. (Caution: if you let your location slip and it’s anywhere near me, I may hunt you down. I have made several of my best friends this way. I’d link to them, but then my own location would be obvious.)
Mignon noted the diversity evident at HB’s preschool. That this does make a difference was illustrated yesterday evening: I was sitting on the front stoop with him and he started trying to put
cornrows in my hair. “This won’t hurt, but it will pull a little bit,” he said. “You twist it and twist it, and then—Mama, your hair doesn’t work!”
I am addicted to your running success stories. I really have to make up some shirts to send to folks with the best stories. If I do, what should they say? “At least I’m running”? “Another Maggot”?
And if you’re looking for something funnier and spicier than what I’m up to (not a very high bar, I admit), check out
Feral. (Warning: if you’re at work and your internet access blocks “inappropriate” content, her page may not open.)