Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Center Cannot Hold

So despite the stealth ibuprofen, AngelBaby did get a fever, and was banished from daycare. His illness has a domino effect:
  • Our dinner with the people from New Orleans had to be postponed
  • TrophyHusband has to stay home with AB, and had to cancel his Thursday 6am deal
  • I have a plausible excuse for skipping the leadership class
Note that these are all actually good things. Too bad AB has to suffer for them. He'll have a good time with his dad at home, though. I, on the other hand, am up in the middle of the night again, this time with a scratchy throat and gritty eyes, cursing that little fomite. I'll take something and eat some ice cream, and I hope to fall back asleep soon ...


  1. Since I have a scratchy throat, feels like there is a hair in there, and you are a doctor, I just took that as a prescription to eat ice cream, so thanks!

  2. Absolutely. Almost anything can be cured by ice cream.

  3. Just came off of two days at children's hospital with my daughter. A simple bead-up-the-nose snowballed into general anestheisia (Sp?)...I am in awe of the medical profession...yes there are some serious dickwads, but for the most part, you people rock.

  4. "Simple bead-up-the-nose"? That sounds like a good story! (Since it turned out fine in the end -- probably not good while you were living it.)


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